I'm sorry I haven't posted for a few days but me, me, my human parents,human grand-parents and their black Labrador called Jessie went on a short holiday on a canal boat. All in all it was a very boring holiday I was forced too sleep for a large majority of it, that is I slept when I was trying to get Jessie out of my basket or eating my food and my hu-mum wasn't dragging us all out on a "nice country walk"
Anyway by day three I was starving from lack of food and ached all over from having to sleep on the floor and the humans were having a barbecue on the campsite the canal passed through and (please don't judge me for this) I jumped on the table which had all raw meat on it when the barbecue was starting and grabbed a burger and a sausage, and unforgettably knocked all the other the other meat onto the ground leaving only the veggie sausages which were only bought because they were five packs for a pound at Tesco. In fury the humans locked me inside the boat and wrestled the sausages off me but at least I got the burger.
Two hours later I was so bored I had taken watching the watching the humans having fun and throw away half-eaten veggie sausages, when finally my hu-mum opened the boat to let me out. I was so happy I galloped out of the boat and jumped over gap between the tow-path. Unfortunately I miss judged the jump (slightly!!!!!) and landed in the canal!!!!!
I couldn't breath the water was so cold and my swimming wasn't much better after what felt like three hours ,but it could of been two ,and then I was dragged on to the two path and towel-dried. But that wasn't the worst part, the worst part was that Jessie wouldn't let it go and teased me when she got the chance.
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