Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Poppy's TOP 10 dog treats:

  1. Schmakos!!!!!
  2. Beef Jerky
  3. Cheese(cheddar) 
  4. Markies
  5. Hot dogs(a rare delight) 
  6. Meat(especially pork)
  7. Doggie chocs(defiantly NOT real chocolate-its poisonous)
  8. Old Mother Hubbard treats (made by Wellness)
  9. Smoked salmon (POSH but very tasty)
  10. Ham sandwiches 

Treats are so important to us dogs-We will do tricks for them.
This is me doing a trick for a schmako  !

and some dogs are even more amazing than me (if that is possible) This is a very talented dog called Pudsey!!!!

1 comment:

awesomesnapz.blogspot.com said...

interesting blog...