Tuesday, 3 July 2012

The lesson

The first lesson was "Heel". This involved walking!!!! at a very slow place whilst being strangled by a chain for going too slow or too fast I walked up and down for what felt like 3 hours when an old man entered towing a black Labrador. When the lady-man dressed him in the chain lead his man dragged him over to me.
At this point I was exhausted and being dragged and choked up and down and the labrador  said, "Hi, I'm Pace.You really don't understand what this is about do you?"
"Poppy and no I don't not really, this is my first time. You?"
"My old man's been taking me since I was a pup.The point of heel is to walk by the end of their shoe" He advised me.
I honestly don't see the point in walking at the end of a shoe. A shoe is the most boring place on earth especially since they don't let you chew on them for some reason. And people walk at such a slow pace they're not really moving anywhere but still moving me legs!!!!
I was VERY TIRED by the end but at least I wasn't choking.
After the lesson the owners left 'us dogs' alone whilst they 'talked business'.
"I'll give you 10kg of ham if you let me beat 'em up"growled the staffie
"I'll take the rat dog and you get the lab"laughed the pit bull.
Then he pounced on me with vicious jaws and It was simply TERRIFYING. The next thing I knew the lady-man and hu-mum were dragging the pit bull off of me and I was bundled in a car with a bleeding Pace and driven to the vets.
The vet examined me and stitched me up and said I would be fine in a couple off days. That was a week ago and it still hurts me to walk on it, what do humans know?
The bright side is I'm not going back to school which means I'm free to be as naughty as I like.

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